The HR Juggler

Moving On

Posted on: September 1, 2014

Moving on

September often seems to signify much that is new and in transition. Children heading into new school years, or new schools entirely, marking rites of passage that remind us of our own so many years before. The gentle heralding of seasons starting to change, imperceptible shifts in focus towards what lies ahead for us in the remainder of the of the calendar year and beyond. Changes that beckon us on, to sometimes familiar, sometimes entirely new landscapes.

Things are changing and for me this year, September brings a whole new emphasis and nuance, new challenges and a wealth of opportunities….as well as plenty of unknowns and a blank canvas to draw on, throw paint at, play with and experiment on. I have in many ways been privileged to have had the gift of time this summer, the ability to spend time with friends and family away from the usual demands and routine of work and I have enjoyed it immensely. September calls me gently back to reality, to the task of finding a new role and my next challenge, outside of the organisation where I have happily and productively spent the last decade. It also makes me realise that I am ready for this, that what I termed the Summer of Adventure is coming to a natural close and that the Autumn of Opportunity has already begun.

So, I’m moving on. And I’m OK about that…more than OK. I’m not yet sure how much I’ll be blogging about the journey, but I already know how enormously fortunate I am to have the support and network that I do…and that the best is very much still yet to come… 🙂

15 Responses to "Moving On"

Those of us who know you are confident that you have a glowing future ahead – your knowledge, passion, dedication, decency and ability to raise a smile in those around you, whilst achieving the best outcome for your employer and people are an example to us all.

Thank you so very much Kate. It’s hard to put into words how very much I appreciate all of the support I have received from you and others. It’s a pleasure and a privilege to know you.

Great stuff Alison. As London’s number 1 HR mover (not shaker) I have a wealth of experience this summer to share with you if you want to grab a coffee and chat. Good luck.

Thanks Barry…and I’d definitely love to take you up on that. You sure there’s not even a tiny bit of shaking going on…?!? 😉

May the Kinetic energy you create help bring you the good fortune you deserve. Go get em Alison.

Thanks so much Perry, I appreciate the good wishes hugely.

I’m sure there are wonderful and exciting things ahead for you, can’t wait to hear… 🙂

Thanks Sarah – I feel really positive about it and will definitely keep you updated!

Thanks for sharing this so positively and courageously. I think this will resonate well with lots of people, and I am one of those.
Good luck in your new endeavours.

Thanks so much Annette. I knew I wanted to write about it and wasn’t quite sure how it would come out! I’m glad it has struck a chord and thanks so much for taking the time to comment.

Lucky whoever gets you next 🙂

Thanks lovely Meg, was so good to properly meet you earlier this summer.

Please pop in to CIPD #SW19 if you get time Alison I’ll buy you a coffee in our new OpenSpace facility (formerly the library) and we can chat about ‘ACE’! Loved your post by the way – made me feel all tranquil and looking forward to Autumn 😉

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